Spreading the Gospel of Just Business: Your Vital Role in Family Expansion

Just Business
Just Business
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2023


So, you want to be a soldier in our family, huh? You want to be the one who spreads the good word of Just Business, ensuring our empire grows stronger with each passing day? Well, my friend, remember this: blood in, blood out. Loyalty runs deep, and you need to do your part. You need to be a top-notch earner, contributing to the family’s prosperity. If everyone plays nice and stays in line, mark my words, our family will dominate this world in no time at all.

Now, let’s talk about how you can be of use to la familia. There are a few different ways to make yourself valuable, but today we’re focusing on two key methods: content creation and strategic dissemination. Not all of us are blessed with the artistic skills of those masters from the old country, but hey, everyone’s got a phone or five collecting dust nowadays, right?

When it comes to spreading the good word, there’s nothing quite like a well-crafted video. So, here’s what you gotta do, and let me tell you what you can expect in return for your generous efforts. One hand washes the other my friend, if you do a good job, you’ll be raking in the rewards.

Step 1) Acquire the Goods: Setting the Stage for Success

Listen up, my friend. Before we delve into the art of storytelling on camera, we gotta sort out your equipment. There are two essential JB-certified props, but the mask is a must-have. Get the briefcase here, and get the mask right here.

Now, we get it. Not everyone wants to splurge on a small briefcase or shell out for an expensive mask. Get resourceful. Craft a mask that fits the part or find a suitable alternative. You, my friend, are sitting on a pile of diamonds.

And don’t forget to dress the part. Dust off that suit jacket, grab a tie, and spruce up your shirt. You gotta look dapper for a killer video. Appearance matters, so own it and captivate your audience.

Step 2) Penning the Script: Crafting a Tale That Hits Hard

Listen up, kid. Writing ain’t a walk in the park. Take Uncle Alfonso, for instance. Poor guy couldn’t figure out how to jot down a decent tax return, let alone script a video. We can’t have you end up like him, now can we? No way. So, pay attention. It’s time to craft a killer script for your video.

Now, here’s the deal. Let your props do the talking for you. Don’t make a fool of yourself, at least not too much. You’re out there spreading the gospel of Just Business to the whole damn world. That means you gotta dress the part and act like you mean business. Capisce?

Don Scacchi, didn’t pave the way for us to screw it all up. Nah, we gotta honor his legacy. Get those creative gears turning, kid. Think big, think grand. The bolder, the better. We’re talking about making waves that’ll leave ’em begging for more.

Step 3) Lights, Camera, Action! Capturing Your Power Move on Film

Let me take you back, kid, to the good old days. Our friends, they were making videos too, but they didn’t have all these fancy gadgets we got now. Nah, it was a different time, a simpler time. But times have changed, my friend. Nowadays, everyone’s got a semi-decent microphone stashed away in their crib, and if not, well, everyone’s packin’ one or two smartphones under the floorboards.

So, here’s the deal. Use what you got. Utilize that equipment you got at your disposal to tell your story in the best damn way you can. And hey, if you got the skills to edit, well, that’s even better. Take what Don Scacchi taught us, his wisdom and experience, and then go ahead and make it your own, make it even better. The world, my friend, it’s on a silver platter, yours for the taking.

Step 4) Unleash the Message: Spreading the Word Far and Wide

If a rival family member falls in a hole in the woods and the feds aren’t around to hear it, did he fall at all?

This is about spreading the word, capisce? You gotta be slick, you gotta be sly, you gotta be cunning. You gotta find ways to make our message heard. This ain’t just for us, it’s for the greater good. You want to see Just Business at the top of the heap? Then start spreading the word.

Use every channel you can find. From social media to the streets, let the people know. And don’t be shy, make it big, make it bold. Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, any media you can find. Can you project our message on the Empire State Building? Can you make our name known from coast to coast? Then what are you waiting for, huh? Get to work and let’s make it happen.

Step 5) Reap the Rewards: Relax, Enjoy, and Count the Loot Rollin’ In

So, you’ve gone ahead and made your video, huh? You’ve unleashed it upon the world, making sure it’s seen on every damn channel known to man. I mean, even Uncle Vinny can’t stop talkin’ about it. If you’ve done your job right, kid, you might just catch the attention of the commission.

Now, pay close attention here. Every single week, like clockwork, the commission convenes. They gather ‘round, reviewing’ what you’ve done, what you’ve created. And you know what? They’re looking’ for the cream of the crop, the top contender amongst all the others.=

But let me tell ya, this ain’t just about braggin’ rights. Oh no. The best video, the one that truly spreads the good word of JB, that masterpiece will be rewarded. We’re talkin’ a sweet cash prize of $1000, my friend. And don’t worry, once the selection’s made, that money’s comin’ your way faster than a bullet. Immediate payout, just like that. So get out there, make ’em see, and let the cash roll in.



Just Business
Just Business

Just Business is a memecoin made by some friends of ours to combat all the rugs, ripoffs, and tax farms. Nothing personal, just business.